hello, it's wlad here!


I grew up in a tiny city in the rural area of Brazil. My dad passed away when I was nine so I had to basically learn it all alone. Mom (my hero) did the best she could to give me the best education ever. Thanks to her I can proudly say that I'm the first one of my family to really attempt things differently. Like learning a second language, traveling the world and living in another country. The first to be an entrepreneur and currently working my way to be the first millionaire. I guess I turned out as hustler... I like doing difficult things. I love taking risks and I enjoy working hard. I figured later in life but boy, I love sports! Most specifically the high intensity ones (even coached CrossFit for fun in the past).

Now I spend my days creating products and optimizing my environment like a madman. Here's a list of products I've been developing lately: